Coronavirus Precautions-COVID-19 Statement –

March 20, 2020 0 Comments

Decibel Engineering Training Solutions Ltd
COVID-19 Statement

Decibel is fully aware of, and continues to monitor, the situation regarding the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how this is developing daily across the world. For this reason, we are taking a proactive approach to minimizing risk and spread of the virus.

Your safety and well being, as well as that of our colleagues, is our highest priority. We have carefully considered the official advice available to us and our responsibility to reduce the risk posed to those participating in training courses and certification exams and this also applies to attendance of meetings and committees.

Please always follow the official advice being communicated by authorities in your location regarding travel and seek medical advice in the event of symptoms. You should also consult the advice being given by the authorities in the location you’re considering travelling to.

Please note that if you do travel to Decibel, whether in the UK or to our any Other Training facility you will be asked to confirm that you understand local government advice including the UK Government advice and where applicable US Government Advice  and where applicable Indian Government Advice and ensure that it is appropriate for you to be in a public space and attend the classroom training or business meetings.

Current UK/Indian Government advice is that if you believe you have been in contact with someone who is confirmed as having the virus or have returned from an area identified as high risk, or if you have flu like symptoms, you should self-isolated at home. Attached is the latest UK government advice issued 18 March 2020.

Advice further states that you should wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water. You are also advised to clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces more regularly. At Decibel we are taking necessary measures to clean our own facility regularly and we ask that all visitors heed the same advice at their place of home and work. Hand sanitizer is available throughout our buildings for the use of staff and visitors.

We are monitoring this situation daily and recommend that you check with our office the latest course status before travelling. Decibel administration staff and examiners are working even from home possible to minimise contact however we shall endeavour to continue to meet your training, certification and/or re-certification needs wherever possible and where postponement becomes necessary, for personal or business reasons or potentially more global restrictions, we will be happy to re-book and assist you in whatever way we are able.

We have implemented these measures to help combat spread of the virus considerate of the well being of all.

We wish everyone well throughout this difficult time and thank you for your cooperation.

Decibel Management

Updated 20th March 2020