Home About Us Placement Desk

We are proud to say that we are having the largest placement network round the globe. Our placement associates are at United Kingdom, Australia, United States of America, Middle East & India.

Our National placement operations are conducted directly from our Indian Office, European Placements are operated from United Kingdom, Arabian Placements are operated from Middle East and American Operations are done by our US based placement network.

Our Placement Support Desk are Operated with the Support of UK based Davies HR Company and they are successful in providing Global Opportunities for Decibel Students for pas few years from when they secured the Placement Supporting Contract from Decibel.

Our NDT, QA/QC, Welding Inspection, Site Engineer, Mechanical Supervisor, Site Supervisor, Advanced NDT Engineers, NDT Level 3 Engineers etc are working across the globe and almost all are getting continuous career support from Decibel for their further career progression activities.

Our System of Service is a Continuous support and not Just a Once time service.

Decibel is the #1 Institution in India with a Placement Track record of Close to 60000/- internal and external students which are very far from many other competitors whom demand a placement in IT company or BPO even after Specialization Certification course or through some common campus drive.

The Engineering & Inspections Industry are Specific to it’s Requirements and only Competent Personnel coming from Recognized Institution with Potential Skill developed can be sustained.

Our Placement team will be there to stay along with you to get an Initial Opening  for each and every student of Decibel. This is why we get More than 100 Call every Month for Placement Support for External Candidates whom have completed courses from other institutions across India and abroad.